Five foods that are high in protein and low in Calories, check out full web story

December 30, 2023

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Eggs white is one of the richest sources in protein and also has low calorie compared to whole egg.

Eggs white

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Greek yogurt can also be high in protein and low in calories if you compare it with your regular yogurt.

Greek yogurt

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Another great source of protein is Boneless Chicken breast which is also lean source of protein with few calories.

Chicken breast

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If you bake or grill the Fish, they can also be a good option of protein with relatively lower calories.


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If you are looking for a dairy product, then consider Adding Cottage cheese in your diet for great protein source.

Cottage cheese

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You can also try Tofu which is Plant based protein source and can be used in various protein dishes.


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In the web-story mentioned below have a look 'Two High Protein Diet For Weight Loss' suggested by dieticians.
